Sept. meeting held 9/13/03 at the Dredge in Atlantic City. President,
Scott Luers called meeting to order at 6:15.
He asked everyone to introduce themselves and tell where they were
Scott read minutes from Aug. 9th meeting as for the Secretary was not
Motion made and seconded to accept as read.
Treasurers Report was given by Deb Palmer.
Motion made and seconded to accept as read.
Deb read a thank you from Jon Lane from South Pass for the "courtesy,
knowledge, and dedication shown by the WPA to the visiting public during
the Gold Rush Days. Mineral prospecting has historically been the backbone
of our state and national economy and the WPA does an excellent job of
introducing newcomers to prospecting."
Randy read a thank you from Walda and Yvonne for the Gold Pan clock
and for having our meetings at the dredge. They said the drawing of the
miner is GREAT. (Good work Bonny.)
Committee Reports:
Board of Directors hasn't met yet, but needs to ASAP.
Date to be set and the Bylaws need to be updated.
LJG has been re-registered so is now a valid claim again.
Randy Hutchison reported that he re-seeded the reclamation work that
was done on Amanda 25 last weekend.
Scott said all equipment is now in trailer. Dredge is running o.k.,
but we need to get a new hose. Jerry had a spare, but it is a 3 inch, and
might be too big for the dredge.
Spiral Pan tickets:
Keith said 862 tickets are in and that 425 are still out. 198 tickets
have not been accounted for.
4 wheelers:
870 tickets are sold. 725 tickets are still out.
Keith thinks we need to sell $1200 more to break even.
If anyone has any tickets - sold or unsold - please contact
Keith Blair @332-9025 or We need to have all accounted
for before we can have the drawings. PLEASE - get your tickets turned in.
Nothing new was reported from this committee.
Old business:
Jim Rutter reported that as of Sept. 1, 2003, he has withdrawn Amanda
25 &28 (Wilson's Bar & Yankee Gulch) from GPAA. Jim said WPA members
are still welcome to use any Amanda claims he has, but please do not disturb
the Wilson Bar reclaim job done by WPA. If you go on these claims and see
anyone using power equipment like rock saws, etc., call Jim or the BLM.
The last 6 years GPAA has disregarded all effort to take care of the claims
and he holds GPAA responsible for all the damage done to Yankee Gulch.
Keep these people from getting us shut down!
Jim said Fred from BLM looked at Wilson's Bar reclamation and thought
it was the greatest thing he'd seen --- WPA had done a great job.
Thanks go to all those who helped!
Randy restated that the Mary D 1 part that is closed to prospecting
is because it is visible from the road -- PLEASE go over the hill and only
prospect on the part described on the map.
New business:
Carl Anderson brought decals for WPA with the kneeling prospector on
it. They look really good for $3.00 a piece. He donated 2 bigger ones to
be put on the equipment trailer.
The club will also order more tee shirts.
Next years outing will be June 25, 26, 27th (last weekend in June)
motion made & seconded for that weekend. Place is still in question
as the BLM has talked of a charge per person.
Jacque Schmidt has volunteered to again head up the food committee
for the outing.
Carl asked the board to discuss getting equipment for exploration-
such as a hand held auger to scope out claims - to grid it every 2 feet
or so.
Randy Hutchison made a motion that a two-man post hole digger should
be purchased for this purpose. It was seconded and passed unopposed.
Keith Blair requested that the board ask the BLM to release part of
the bond.
Randy was upset that there is just a core bunch that go to the meetings,
do all the work, etc. He was wondering how to get more people involved?
Some sort of a reward system was suggested. After some discussion there
was a motion made and seconded to table this and discuss it at the board
Scott Luers announced that next year he will not be running in any
official capacity for the club so we better start thinking of who will
take the job that he has been doing.
Next meeting is on Nov. 8th at the Big Noi in Lander at 3:30.
There was some discussion of the January meeting being in Rock Springs.
Being no more new business, meeting adjourned at 7:18.
Raffle followed
Respectfully submitted by Deb Palmer