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September 11, 2004

President Keith Blair called the meeting of the WPA to order at 6:35 p.m., at the Dredge. VP Kimberly Raymond read minutes of the last meeting.  After a correction, which stated that Jim Hinesley would reopen 4 claims, not 3 after approval of the bond, the minutes were approved as read. 

Treasurer’s report was read, seconded and approved.  No report from the claims committee.  It was reported that gold has been found on all the claims, so far. 

Jim Hinesley rejected the letter, which was sent to him by the board regarding responsibility on damages to any claims by WPA members.  Jim stated, “he would prefer not to be the agent on these claims, but would be willing to deed the claims to the WPA, not to just any member.”  Randy will follow up with the BLM on how to do quick deeds for these claims, so that members can continue to go on them to do prospecting. Discussion followed by members of the WPA..

Jim Rutter explained to the members of the club what the meaning of being the agent on claims and how to do quick claim deeds. He also informed the members, that when you have a claim, you only have rights to the minerals, not the surface rights.  The BLM has the surface rights.   

Jim Hinesley explained to the members that the Forest Service has lost its court battle on the 14 day parking permit on claims. He also stated that you must to be very careful as to what you do during the time you are parked on the claim, as Forest Service is writing out citations for numerous violations since they lost the court battle.

There was some discussion as to what the club would like to do for fundraisers for the coming year.   Randy brought up a few ideas, as did some of the member of the club. After some discussion, it was decided that the board would come up with ideas to present to the membership at the next meeting. 

No old business: Carl Anderson brought the caps for the club and also brought some jackets that had been printed up with the WPA logo on them.  The caps will sell for $12; the jackets will be $40.00.  It was moved that we pay the bill for these items, as Carl had paid for them personally.  Motion was seconded that we repay Carl, passed by unanimous approval.  

New business:.  Kimberly is to get prices on a First Aid Kit and a fire extinguisher for the club.  This will be presented at the next meeting, which will be held on November 13, 2004 at Mitch’s Café in Farson beginning at 3:00 p.m. 

Since there was no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.  The raffle for various prizes took place.  Congratulations to the winners!!!!!!  To the rest of the membership, a great big thank you for your participation.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Blair
Interim Secretary


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