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President Scott Luers called the November 8, 2003 meeting of the WPA, which was held at the Big Noi in Lander, to order at 4:15 p.m.
Scott read minutes from the previous meeting, motion was made to approve the minutes, but after some discussion there was a correction.  The change was that they should have read Yankee Gulch and not Meadow Gulch. Minutes corrected and approved. There was no new correspondence.

All club members and guests present introduced themselves.

Treasurer’s report:  Treasures report was given. A motion was made and passed to approve the treasurer’s report.

Committee reports:   The Board has not met as of yet.

Reclamation:  There are pictures on the website regarding the reclamation of the Amanda 25. 

Equipment: The trailer, with all the equipment in it, is at Randy’s house.

Raffle Committee:  Drawing for the Spiral Wheel was held and the winner of the spiral wheel was Jim Hill, from Worland WY. Discussion on the 4x4 tickets also came up.  Members need to sell more tickets and turn in all monies, so that this matter of the 4x4 raffle can be taken care of by the end of this year.  Please, Please, Please, send in the ticket stubs and the money as soon as possible, if you have sold any tickets.

Old Business:  Randy talked to his sister about printing up more t-shirts. The club can still purchase them, but we need to decide how many should be purchased. 
The posthole digger has not yet been purchased. 
Discussion on the outing was brought up and where we should try to have it next year.  Randy stated “fees are going to be charged to club members, by the BLM, for use of the property where we normally have it”. Les brought up the fact that we should try to get permission to use the property on Rock Creek.  After some discussion, there were other places that members will look into using for the outing.
Randy brought up the fact that the members had decided to send a check to the “Public Lands for the People, but that it had not been done yet, and that we should take care of this matter. 

New Business:  Keith brought up the discussion to check with the DEQ to release part of the bond so that we could use it for exploration work on other claims.
The owner of the Mary D 1 informed the members that he has pulled this claim from use by any and all club members. He presented pictures to the club members that attended the meeting of the mass destruction that has taken place on this claim. If anyone is caught trespassing on this claim, he will pursue prosecution.  If you would like to take a look at these pictures, go into the website, on the member's only part and you will see the destruction for yourself. 

           Respectfully submitted by Rosemary Blair

The next meeting will be held on January 10, 2004 at 3:30 in Lander's Big Noi Restaurant.

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