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WPA Meeting 5/08/2004

The May meeting of WPA was called to order by President Scott Lures. The minutes were read by Scott. Motion was made, seconded and approved to accept as read and put on file. Scott then had everyone introduce themselves. We had 34 members present. Deb Palmer read the Treasure report, motion was made, seconded and approved to accept as read and put on file.

Bonny read an e-mail from Geroge Lucas saying he will renew his membership. Jim Hinesley read an e-mail from Ken Sheetz about having his primary residence in PA but also owns land in Dubois. He was asking if it would be possible to get resident membership price beings he spends six months here. It was decided that a person has to be a Wyoming resident to get the state membership price.

Old Business:
The Rendezvous in the Park was brought up on whether we should do it. A motion was made not to do the Day in the Park this year. Motion was made and it was seconded.
Gold Rush Days at South Pass City was also brought up, which is the end of July. We need to get a permission paper from John Lang saying we can pan in Willow Creek. There were volunteers to help when we do get permission. Those who did say they would help are Tony Steel, Keith Ramon, and Jim Rutter. We still need more volunteers to help set up and show how to pan for gold. It was tabled until later for discussion to get permission and more volunteers.
At the get together on Saturday on the WPA claims, a post hole digger was brought to use. It worked real well and thought it would be beneficial to the club. Pete Pederson will check on one with a 3 inch auger with extension.
Wilson Bar needs to be reseeded as the last seeds didn't grow. Randy Hutchison will by more seed. Motion was made and seconded so he can buy more seed to plant. We will need volunteers to help rake the seeds in.

New business:
We will extend honorary membership to Stephen Andrews since he did not get to come up to WY last year.

Nominations for Officers:
President: Keith Blair, motion was made and seconded
Vice President: Kimberly Raymond, motion was made and seconded
Treasurer: Deb Palmer, motion was made and seconded

Next meeting will be June 12, 2004 at the Dredge in Atlantic City at 6:00pm

Also on June 12, 2004 at 9:00am every one will meet at Miner's Delight Cemetery on the hill. Everyone will be going to the WPA claim of Messy Soup to prospect and know where this claim is.
The get together at Mud Pie was a lot of fun and they got to learn about high banking, dredging, panning and just having fun. Want some fun? Come to the June 12 get together. 
Meeting was adjourned.
The normal raffle was held

Scoop-------Tony Steel
Bag of gold-------Helga Durate 
Gold nugget-------Helga Durate
Scoop-------Pete Pederson
Tweezers-------Athena Jones
Black gold pan-----Bonny Hinesley
Silver dime-------Tom Marchwick
Gold Picker-------Keith Ramon
Green gold pan-------Jim Brine
Loupe------- Larry Noble
Magnet-------Jim Hinesley 
Three gold pickers------- Keith Blair
Clock-------   Tom Marchwick
Silver dime-------Leslie Shufelt
Loupe------- Athena Jones
Water barrel-------Joyce Raymond
Small barrel-------Larry Noble
Silver dime-------Rosemary Blair
Green gold pan-------Lisa Brackenbury
Gold Picker-------Randy Hutchison
Bag of gold-------Athena Jones
Gold Picker-------Tom Marchwick 
Gold Pickers-------Shayla Brose
Black pan-------Keith Ramon
Gold Picker-------Keith Blair
Gold Picker------Tony Steel 
Gold Picker-------Shayle Brose
Display case to hold gold-------Rosemary Blair

Congratulations and Thanks to all

Respectfully submitted Bonny Hinesley
WPA Secretary

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