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May 14, 2005

President Keith Blair called the meeting of the WPA to order at 5:22 P.M. at the Dredge.

As we had many new members present, introductions were made.

Secretaries Report: The minutes of the last meeting were read, no corrections were needed. They were then approved as read.

Treasurer's report:   There were a few bills paid and some deposits made. It was then moved and seconded to approve the treasurer's report.  Motion was carried.

Correspondence:  There was a letter read from a gentleman out of state wanting to come to Wyoming and prospect.  He inquired about our club and fees.  Keith said he would take care of this letter.  No other correspondence read.

Committee Report: Randy Hutchison reported that he spoke with the DEQ concerning our bond and outing permit.

Since it was almost due for refiling, he was given the paper work to refile early and the club permit would be taken care of.

No other committee reports available.  Again, just a friendly reminder:  PLEASE get with Les if you can volunteer a little of your time and help out at the Day in the Park.

Outing:  Keith Blair will be heading the committee for the outing.  Please let him know if you would be interested in helping with any of the committees. 

The following have been volunteered: 

POP: Bruce and Peggy Gress

ICE: The Raymond Families

OUTHOUSES: Randy Hutchison will get arrangements set for these, any volunteers to get them picked up and to the outing would be a great help.

LOCATION:  Carl Anderson is checking on the availability of the location we used last year.  He will keep us posted.

FOOD: Meat to be purchased by the club and Jackie to be contacted to see if she will chair the rest of the supplies.

NEW OFFICER NOMINATIONS:  We took nominations for new officers for the 2005-2006 term. The following nominations were made:

President:  Randy Hutchison

Vice President:  Scott Luers

Treasurer:  Deb Palmer

Secretary:  Kimberlee Raymond

With no other nominations a motion was made to elect those nominated by acclamation, motion was seconded and passed.

The motion was then made to adjourn the meeting so we could eat.  Thanks to everyone who brought food for our pot luck meal. We had a great assortment of items.  A special thanks to the Dredge for their facilities. A hat was passed for a tip for the Dredge help for setting up.

The next Meeting on June 11, 2005 will be held at the Dredge at 5:00 P.M.  We were informed that they will be serving meals then.

The location of that day’s Mini outing will be discussed and posted soon.

We had a drawing and congratulations to all those who won prizes. 

Respectfully submitted,

Kimberlee Raymond, Vice President

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