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WPA MEETING 6/12/2004 The June WPA meeting, which was held at the Dredge, was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by President elect. Keith Blair. There were 36 members present and 7 guests. Introduction of members and guests took place at the beginning of the meeting. Bonnie Hinesley read the minutes of the last meeting. The minutes were approved and seconded as read. Deb Palmer read the treasurer’s report. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made, seconded and approved by all members present. It will be put on file as read. Committee Reports: Reclamation Committee: Randy Hutchinson is still calling to get seed for reseeding the reclaimed area on the Amanda 25. Claims Committee: Les Armstrong reported that there was nothing new to report on. Outing Committee: The place for the outing has still not been determined. Motion was made and seconded to try to have it at the same place as last year, if the owner of the private land can be contacted. The other alternative is to have it on the leased land. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Food Committee: Jackie reported that the food is taken care of.
She reported that John cannot do the chicken gumbo this year. It was moved
and seconded that steaks would be ordered from Clark’s meat house for the
Saturday meal. These would be kept at the Dredge for the club until
needed. Kim Raymond will check into ordering potato salad and coleslaw
from KFC in Riverton. Peggy and Bruce Gress will pick up the drinks. Members
are asked to bring pot luck desserts. Correspondence: Deb Palmer read a letter from John Thomas from Idaho asking to post ads on the website and to hand them out at our meetings. She also read one from the University of Wy.Outreach Institute. Old Business: Deb Palmer reminded the club that we had
agreed to purchase the tent that we always use from Randy. After
some discussion it was moved and seconded that we pay Randy $200 for it.
Motion carried. The next item was the Board’s recommendation that the club
purchase a computer and printer for the club secretary to use. Randy moved
to accept the recommendation. Kim seconded the motion. Motion carried.
It was also decided that the members who have access to a computer can
read the newsletter on the web page. For those members who wish to
receive a paper copy of the newsletter, a written request must be sent
to the WPA post office box. New Business: The Board recommended that beginning this
month; members whose membership is past due will receive 3 consecutive
monthly notices by mail. After the third and final notice there will be
no further correspondence unless dues are paid. Jackie moved the club accept
this recommendation. Deb Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried by
unanimous club vote. Concerns were brought up regarding guests coming on
WPA claims more than twice. After some discussion, Evie made a motion that
after 2 guest visits to WPA claims by a person, they must join the club
or no further invitations be extended to them. Bruce seconded the motion.
Motion carried. The raffle after the meeting was then held. WINNERS OF THE RAFFLE Congratulations to all these winners Respectfully submitted |
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