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August 12, 2006
President, Les Armstrong called the August meeting of the WPA to order at 4:30 p.m. @ Scott's Luck. There were 4 officers present at the meeting, with no alternate board member. Due to the weather, motions were made and carried to forgo the reading of the minutes from the July meeting. Treasurer, Deb Palmer read the treasurers report. She reported bills paid and deposits made. Motions were made and carried to accept report as read. Correspondence: None Committee reports: Claims committee: Jim Hinesley reported there were several claims that needed to have corner posts reset. Raffle Committee: It was voted and approved that
the club will purchase a gold nugget necklace from Carl Anderson Old Business: None reported. New Business: It was discussed that the club trailer be stored at Deb and Murph Palmers house for the winter. Jim Hinesley reported that he could use help with paying filing fees for the 4 claims he has available to the club. It was voted that the club help with these dues. Next meeting will be September 9th, 2006. We will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Dredge. The outing for the day will be a work outing!!! We will be splitting into groups. Part of the group will be cleaning and organizing the club trailer before winter storage. Others will be going to claims to set corner posts. If anyone has an ATV, and wishes to help with setting claim posts will you bring it. We would like to see you there. Randy will be bring pvc pipe and caps for claim corners. Meeting will be in front of the Dredge at 4:00 p.m. The club will furnish the burgers, please bring a side dish as we will cook the remainder of the burgers from the outing. We hope to see you all there, as there is much to be done and the more hands the better. Meeting was adjourned at 5:00p.m. Winner of the 50/50 raffle was Brian Lindgren from Casper.
Congratulations. |
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