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The meeting of the WPA was called to order by President Keith Blair,
at 6:00 p.m. at the Dredge. Introduction of members took place at the beginning
for the benefit of the new members in attendance
Deb Palmer read the minutes of the last meeting. There was a correction
made to the minutes, stating that Randy had spoken with an insurance agent,
not an attorney in respect to obtaining claim insurance. The minutes were
then approved with the correction as read. Deb then read the treasurer’s
report. She informed the members of bills paid and of monies received,
and deposited. There was a motion made to approve the treasurer’s
report. Motion carried by the club members.
At this time, bonding/liability was discussed. It was noted that
the club would have a $2000 CD set aside, so that it may be used for reclamation
that needs to be done on member claims. Randy informed the membership that
the club did not have to have liability insurance unless it is for a club
event. A letter will be sent to Jim Hinsley stating that the club will
accept responsibility for damages to claims caused by WPA members.
A report on Gold Rush days was given. Numerous members participated
during these 3 days. Members who participated with this event received
the choice if a t-shirt, ball cap, or WPA patch. If anyone needs a cap,
Carl Anderson will be bringing our supply to the next meeting.
Jim Hinsley presented claims committee report. At present, there are
four active club claims, those being the MD-2, MD-3, Lucky 4-Us, and the
Broken shovel. Jim stated that “after he receives the letter from
the club stating the club will be responsible for any damage caused to
claims by members, he may possibly reopen 3 claims that he is the agent
for. At this time, Randy reported that since the club only has 4
active claims, he will reopen the MD-1 as long as the members stay away
from the road and the pond. There is to be no prospecting at any site that
is visible from the road. Randy will get maps to whoever is taking
care of the web page.
Under correspondence, Deb Palmer read a letter from the DEQ. Jim
Hinsley informed members to check with the forest ranger if they plan to
pan for gold in the forest. They may need to get a permit, at the
disgression of the forest ranger.
Old business: the board agreed to the purchase of a laptop computer
and a printer for the membership committee. It was also noted that they
would be paid to do the duties of membership at $140/quarter. This computer
and printer is to be used for business purposes only. Robert and
Paula Jones will be taking over the membership duties. They are to e-mail
all board members the entire membership list so that they know what memberships
are current. There will be a board meeting 8/19/04 at 7:00 p.m. to split
the gold from the outing. This month will be the last month that the minutes
of the meeting will be mailed to all members. Anyone wanting to have the
minutes mailed to them must request it in writing to the secretary at P.O
Box 1269, Riverton, WY. 8250l, otherwise you will find them and any other
information listed on the web page. President Blair asked for help in doing
the secretarial duties, as we no longer have a club secretary. At
this time, Kim Raymond, who is the Vice Pres and Rosemary Blair volunteered
to do the minutes until someone steps up to take over this duty or until
elections next year.
New Business: The next meeting will be held Sept. 11th at the Dredge.
It will be the last regular monthly meeting. We will then begin doing
them every 2 months. For the last regular meeting, there will be a mini
outing on the leased land, which is on the Lewiston/Willie’s handcart road.
The club will furnish the meat, members are to bring side dishes. It was
also noted at this time, that Dan Hausel of the Wyoming Geological Survey
will lead an all day tour of the historic South Pass gold mining districts
on Saturday Aug. 21st. The tour will begin at 8:00 a.m. with the
meeting location at the Atlantic City iron ore mine turnout along Hwy 28,
before the turnoff to Atlantic City. Bring your own lunch and drinks if
you plan to attend this tour.
Adjournment of the meeting took place. The raffle was then held.
Congratulations to all those who won prizes, and a big thank you to all
who participated in the drawings.
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