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We apologize for the lateness of last months meeting minutes, they are on they way, however, possible not in time for the next meeting which is being held at the GrubStake Diner in Atlantic City on September 11th at 1pm.

I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused folks, the next meeting minutes will go out in a timely manner, I promise.

Here is the Meeting Minutes for those who we have email for and who may not get the mailings in time:

August 14, 2010

Call To Order - President Curtis Addison at 5:22pm

Introductions - Roll call

Secretary - Minutes from last meeting were read. President motioned to accept the minutes, Joyce seconded and motion was passed.

Correspondence - Thank you card from Joyce Raymond was received. Member Dave Perry of Laramie wrote and asked if we could list equipment for sale. He also interested in buying some bumper stickers or window decals for WPA when available.

Treasurer’s Report - Presented by Deb Palmer. Carolyn motioned, Raymond seconded, motion passed.

National News - None

Claims Committee - None

Reclamation Committee - Randy Hutchison visited with the DEQ and they were happy with the reclamation done. They were not satisfied with the condition of the Amanda 28 prospect due to pick and shovel work on the creek bank. However they should release everything from bond. President reminded everyone to be careful around the roots of trees when digging.

Old Business - Thanks was given to Eugene for assistance with the metal detecting activity during the annual outing this year. Paperwork on the tax exempt status of the club is in the process of being filed.

New Business -
Randy Hutchison stated that he had recently spoken with the BLM. The BLM is not sure we can continue to file under the small claim status. Club may in the future have to pay $110 per year per claim. The BLM requested a copy of our bylaws for review.

Randy Hutchison announced that he is resigning as Agent with the BLM, DEQ and Secretary of State. A new agent will need to be appointed by the 31st of August 2011. Randy nominated Corrette Drake as Agent. Deb Palmer seconded it and motion was passed.

Randy Hutchison stated that the Declan B-2 and 3 and the Mary D claims with be removed from the club in about 2 weeks. He also renewed our permits on the other claims? If exploration is done with heavy equipment the permits? may have to be amended.

Christa Maddock stated that due to issues with the website some members may not have received renewals or cards. If you have not received your renewal, place contact Christa at (307) 321-7163 or maddchris08@gmail.com

Deb Palmer suggested that when an old member sends in their renewal, that the anniversary of their joining should stay their joining date no matter if the payment is late. Discussion was held. Motion was made that if the payment and renewal is received more than 60 days after expiration of membership that the person is made a new member. Seconded by ???, motion passed.

Deb Palmer showed off a recreated "gold ore" specimen that was donated to the club. Deb motioned to keep it till the Outing next year. Bre Coulthard seconded it and motion was passed. A special raffle will most likely be held for it at the 2011 Outing.

President motioned that we get a lawyer to address the BLM issue.

Deb Palmer suggested that we might assign an equipment manager. Members may not be aware of equipment available for their use through the club. Randy Hutchison stated that there is a floating dredge, a bazooka dredge and a trailer available for use. Scott Luers stated there is also a post hole digger available.

Deb Palmer requested that the club help pay the extra $10 a month so that she can get DSL instead of Dial-Up internet service. She has had much difficulty trying to conduct club business with her current connection. Jacque Schmitt?? Motioned that the club pay for Deb's DSL. Motioned seconded, motion passed. Deb was very happy.

A reminder was given to the club by the Atlantic City Historical Society that on August 28th, 9:30am at the Grubstake they will have their meeting. There will also be a tour by the owner of the Mary Ellen Mine and Mill.

Next Meeting - Will be held at the Grubstake in Atlantic City on September 11th at 1pm.

Adjourn - President adjourned the meeting.

50/50 Raffle - Won by Mace Countryman

Raffle - Was held after meeting.
Any questions please call or email me, Thanks.

Christa Maddock
Membership Coordinator


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