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Meeting was called to order at 1:40 pm by President Jacque Schmidt.

Roll sheet was passed around for attendees to sign up on it. Those in attendance introduced themselves.

Minutes of the last meeting were read by Jay Parks in absence of the secretary. On the minutes it was recorded that discussion was held about assessments. Jim Hinesley said there was no discussion of assessments. Other members recalled that there was indeed discussion held about this. Randy Hutchinson explained his actions. Jim Hinesley pointed out that the club by laws had been broken by board paying assessments without the vote of the membership. After continued discussion Randy Hutchinson advised the club said that after August 30, 2010 the Mary D’s, the Declans, & Lucky for us will be withdrawn from the club. (This is when the club paid assessment term will expire.) Other corrections: under new business it should read bill due to Les Armstrong not bill die to Les Armstrong. Billie Brackenbury moved to accept corrected minutes, Eugene Raymond seconded the motion. Motion passed.  It was requested to use am and pm in the minutes not 24 hour time.

Treasurer’s report- Report read by Deb Palmer, Treasurer. Tom Trehearne moved Mary Hutchinson seconded to approve treasurer’s report as read. Motion passed.

Correspondence-Thank you from PLP for the donation we gave them last month, letter by email from John no last name or address given came in from through the WPA e-mail on the WPA web site, Letter from Jim Hinesley was read. Discussion was held about the point system. Question was raised whether points were to be awarded once or yearly? Randy Hutchinson said every year. The club has 6 (six) claims: Bridge Buster, Amanda 28, Commonwealth, Messy Soup, Mud Pie, and Crusher. The club was reminded that 4 of these claims had been turned over to the club by Jim Hinesley. Deb Palmer read her letter of resignation as treasurer effective at the end of this term. She pointed out the stress of the last month and being accused by Jim Hinesley of trying to hide the problem-to bury it and avoiding his emails (even though she hadn’t seen them due to being out of town) were the breaking points. Deb feels that after 7 years it is time others take over. Randy Hutchinson verbally resigned his position on all committees effective immediately. Right now 328 points per year can be earned if points are done yearly. Les Armstrong moved that points for claims be yearly. Molly Countryman seconded the motion. Motion passed was withdrawn. Molly Countryman moved Don Jones seconded to even up claim points from past and board to come up with policy on points going forward from January 01, 2010. Motion passed.

Claims-This was discussed under correspondence.

Reclamation- There was no report from this committee.

Old Business: Display at museum. We still don’t have mannequins yet. Discussion about needing to get going on it. 

New Business: No new business

Next meeting is January 09, 2010. It will be held at the Wind River Heritage Center in Riverton. It will start at 1:00 pm and it will be a pot luck dinner. You need to bring your own table service. Enter in the back door. Address is 1075 S Federal Blvd. Riverton, WY 307-856-0706. Map is included in this mailing. 
With no other business to be brought forth, meeting adjourned at 3:04 pm. 50/50 raffle won by Deb Palmer. Prize drawing held.

If you are missing badges, etc please contact Kathi directly. Email is parks@hamsfork.net. Name tags are needed for Eugene & Joyce Raymond. Doug Butler needs name tag, clip and case.
Thank you. 


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