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November 10, 2007 After a delicious potluck lunch, the WPA meeting was called
to order by President Scott Luers at 1:30 in Rock Springs at Carl Anderson's
shop. Scott welcomed everyone and introductions were made. Claims Committee: Jim Hinesley acquired the quit claim deed for the Bridge Buster that Carl gave to the club. Randy Hutchinson was appointed agent of the claims. He was given approval to pay fees involved with transfers and annual assessment work. National News: Jim advised that the House of Representatives has approved a bill to put a royalty of 8% on any minerals taken from public land. This will eliminate the 1872 Mining Act. We are all encouraged to write to Senators Enzi and Barrasso and ask them to vote NO on this bill. Jim will post the bill and the addresses for the Senators on our web site. Please do your part and write to them, it will affect each and every one of us!! Correspondence: The PLP has sent us their raffle tickets for this year. A book of 12 was sent to our club. Randy proposed that we send them 500.00 for tickets. It was approved by the club to send the $500.00 It was brought up that the postmaster in Rock Springs sent 65 club minutes back for an additional 17 cents postage because of the staple in the letter. The postmasters in Pavillion and Fort Bridger sent our minutes through as they were. If you had to pay 17 cents or did not receive a letter we apologize. In the future we will be using sticky tabs to close the letter to avoid this from happening again. Jim Hinesley advised that Glynn Burkhardt sent him information about the Coronado National Forest and how they are trying get a mineral withdrawal designated for this area and others near by. Jim will post this on our web site also for all to read. Reclamation committee: It has been decided not to fill in the hole at Yankee Gulch yet due to the fact that there has been some nice pickers pulled out. The evidence was passed around the room for all to see, then safely tucked back into Murray’s pocket! Old Business: Before Spring we will be sending
out claim maps packets to all members. New Business: Carl will ask Zane about using Rock
Creek again for next years outing. The January meeting will be skipped unless the board decides we need one due to the gas constraints we are all facing. We will plan on a March meeting and the board will decide where that meeting will be held. A notice will be sent out and also posted on the web site to alert everyone. The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 pm. Deb & Murray Palmer won the 50/50 raffle. Deb got
32.00 and Murray got 50 cents. Respectfully submitted: Peggy Gress for Kimberlee Raymond |
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