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Wyoming Prospectors Meeting
March 14, 2009

Meeting called to order at 1:05 pm. President Jacque S. had everyone introduce themselves as a lot of new members were there. 
Bonny H. read the minutes from the January meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Deb P. and seconded by Kimberlee R. Motion was approved by the membership.
Treasure Deb P. read the treasures report stating bills paid and bank balance. A motion was made by Paula J. and seconded by Kimberlee R. to accept report as read. Motion was approved by the membership.
Committee Report:
     Claims Report: Jim H. spoke about the condition of the claims still being mostly under snow. It was reported that the plow had gone all the way to Willies Handcart so the big drift has been opened to get to the Strawberry Creek claims. Now if the side roads are not drifted in it shouldn’t be to long before we can get to work. 
      Jim also talked about the 4 claims he is agent on and 2 that he and Bonny are locators on being turned over to the club. Some of the people on the claims he is agent on is no longer in the club and can not be contacted by him so as agent he is just going to turn the complete claim to the club for members to use. Jim stated that if the club didn’t want the claims he would just notify BLM that he was going to let them go. The agent claims are Common Wealth, Crusher, Messy Soup and Mud Pie. The locator claims are Mary D 2 and Broken Shovel. These claims will cost $80.00 each for the first 2, $90.00 each for the second 2 and $10.00 each for the last 2 if the club wants to accept the quit claim deeds. A motion was made by Keith B. and seconded by Les A. to table the discussion on this item until the next meeting. 
      The equipment trailer hasn’t been brought up on the mountain yet but the license and keys will be given to Keith B. so he can get that taken care of. 
Outing Committee: Jacque talked about the volunteers and what was still need for help. Les A.stated he would talk to a couple of the members and see if they would bring the port-a-potties to the outing. 
      Les A. talked about the “Day in the Park” in Riverton and asked if we wanted to participate in the function. After some discussion Jim H. made a motion to do the panning demonstrations again and Rosemary B. seconded. Motion was accepted by the membership. This will be held on July 11th and any members that would like to work the booth are welcome to come and help. Set up will be from 6:00am to 8:00 am and the booth operation will be from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm.
     Carl A. brought and article from the ICMJ magazine about the actions that PLP are involved in right now. They are asking for people to help them pay for the legal fees that will be involved to fight these battles. >Jim H. made a motion to send them a $500.00 for the raffle they have going on to raise funds and to renew our membership in their organization. Les A. seconded the motion and the membership approved the motion for the expenditures.
     Randy H. sent some information on HR 699. These are changes that congress is trying to get passed that will affect the mining law of 1872. Jim H. spoke briefly on this information and suggested that each and every one of our members contact our Senators Barasso & Enzi and Representative Lummis. This information is on our web sight news page. 
     Jacque S. discussed the meeting places for winter meetings that would be handicap accessible. Most places will either charge or not let us have our pot luck dinners. She will continue to research this. 
New Business:
      It was brought to the membership’s attention about the break in at the Carrisa and Atlantic City ore mine. They have done approximately $30,000 damage and theft to them. Several people have started a reward for the conviction of the criminals. It was suggested that we include $300.00 toward this reward. Keith B. made a motion to for such and Jim H. Seconded. The membership approved this expenditure

     Beings the April meeting will fall on Easter weekend it was decided by the membership to postpone it for 1 more week making it on the 18th of April at 4:30 pm at the Grubstake Restaurant. If the weather is nice enough by then, there will be a mini outing on the Oregon Buttes area claims. For those who don’t know how to get there, meet at the Sweetwater rest area on Highway 28, approximately mile marker 34, at 8:30 am. 

Rosemary made a motion to adjourn meeting and Kim seconded. With no more discussion meeting was adjourned.
50/50 Raffle winner was Keith B.
There was the normal club raffle following the meeting.

Taken by Bonny H.
Approved by President 


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