Meeting was held June 14, 2003 at the Dredge in Atlantic City.
President Randy Hutchison called the meeting to order at 6:00pm
Jim Hinesley read the minutes of the last meeting as for the secretary
was not present.
The minutes were accepted as read and put on file.
Pat Armstrong read the Treasures Report, which was accepted as, read
and put on file.
Jim Hinesley read a letter he received from Tom Lindmier about Gold
Rush Days in South Pass City. It stated that they would take responsibility
for any comments that the DEQ might make because of guideline 19.
Jim made a motion about participating in Gold Rush Days. This motion
was seconded and passed by the members in attendance. A paper was passed
around for volunteers to sign up on but any one who has time to participate
will be appreciated.
Jim also read a piece from the local paper about a new bill being proposed
in congress to alter the 1872 mining act. It is in regards to them wanting
to receive royalties on claims that are filed. Everyone needs to talk to
his or her congressperson and voice his or her opinion.
Claims Committee:
The claim that has been opened to the members (Mary D 1) 's map is
now on the web sight and will also be sent out to members with the newsletter.
There has been some question on the claim (Lucky 4 us) as to which
part of the claim is open for prospecting. Jim Hinesley has made a new
map for it and maybe will be easier to understand the boundaries.
There was some discussion about the written permission to prospect
to comply with the guideline 19 but nothing was decided and needs to have
more discussion.
Outing Committee:
Randy did get the OK from the BLM. He also was told that we can't have
duel wheels on the dump truck, as it would overlap on the road and cause
damage. Carl Anderson has a 4-yard dump trailer that we will haul dirt
Randy hasn't heard from DEQ as of the meeting, so he is waiting on
A bond will be posted next week for the claim to get dirt and to reclaim
the land.
Jacque Schmidt said that her and John Mierzwick have everything lined
out for the cooking and food. For those who don't like Cajun food, there
will be hot dogs, hamburger and chips. The portta-potties from Carol Sanitation
will need to be picked up by Randy or Scott in Riverton and brought to
the outing. Keith Blair will furnish the garbage cans for the outing. It
was brought up that we need to buy our own tables and chairs. The awning
that Randy has let us use, the club will buy when Randy can give us a price
on the cost of the awning. Carl Anderson has donated a screen tent for
the club also.
Scott Lures will get the prizes for the treasure hunt and raffle.
As for permission to use the metal detectors at the outing, the DEQ
helped Randy with the wording in the permit so that should be approved
in the permit.
Raffle Tickets
The club has a lot of raffle tickets for the 4 wheeler so members need
to get their tickets to sell.
The drawing for the spiral wheel will be Labor Day weekend. Hopefully
all the tickets for the 4 wheeler will be sold and the drawing can be held
on Labor Day also.
Government Affairs:
Keith Blair asked how many wrote or e-mailed their representatives
about Jack Morrow Hills and guideline 19. There was a show of hands of
about 1/3 of the people there. Keith said, "we need to contact our representatives
to be heard" let them know that you don't feel that guideline 19 is proper
and that the Jack Morrow Hills should be left alone.
New Business:
Nominations for President were opened. Scott Lures was the only one
who accepted the nomination. Being unopposed he will be the President this
next year.
Nominations for Vice-President were opened. Keith Blair was the only
nomination and he accepted the position.
Nominations for Secretary were opened. Bonny Hinesley was the only
nomination and she accepted the position.
Nominations for Treasure were opened. Deb Palmer was the only nomination
and she accepted the nomination.
There was a discussion of the land to be leased by the club and Randy
will look into it.
It was decided that the next regular meeting would be held during the
outing on June 28th beings the July 12th meeting date would conflict with
the day in the park day.
Respectfully submitted
Secretary Bonny Hinesley |