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Wyoming Prospectors Association  Meeting    08/08/2009

The meeting was called to order at 12:54 pm at the Broken Shovel claim site by President Jacque. Introductions were made by members present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read by Secretary Kathi. It was recommended that full names be used in the minutes. Motion to approved minutes as read was made by Jim, seconded by Jay. Motion approved.

Treasurer Deb read the Treasurers report. Motion to accept the report as read was made by Les,  Joyce seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Correspondence: none

Committee Reports:
National news-PLP SB 670 is on the governors desk, don’t know if it has been signed at this time. The PLP is working on an injunction to stop implementation of SB 670 in California. They will seek a federal injunction if necessary. 
Claims-There is a question on the amount paid to BLM for permits and Randy is taking care of this. He isn’t here to answer questions today. 

Reclamation: no report.

Old Business: Club prices were received for jackets, hoodies, t-shirts, and hats. Discussion held on varies styles. Members were asked to sign up on the roster what they were interested in having available for purchase. Motion made by Kathi to have a committee decide what we will offer as a club and to give the committee authority to order items, seconded by Don. Motion passed. Volunteers for the committee were called for. Since no one volunteered Carl moved to have the executive committee do the ordering. Perry seconded the motion. Motion passed. We will do a conference call, Carl has offered to help with this.
Day in the Park-A compliment was extended to all who helped. It was a great day & a good job was done by those working the booth.
Heritage Center Display-We are still waiting on mannequins, working on the rocker box. 
Membership cards-Everyone was reminded to present the incentive cards for signature at the meeting they are present for each time. We can’t sign off past days without verifying attendance.

New Business: Incentive card uses were explained. Each signature is worth $1.00. You may use your dollars to purchase supplies, equipment, or to pay dues with to the club. They have no redemption value outside the club. They do not expire. You get a signature for each meeting, each outing. If you don’t have yours with you, a new one can be started for you.
August 29-Atlantic City Historical Society mining tour to be held. Meet at the Grub Stake at 9:30 am if you are interested in attending. The cost is FREE!
Jim discussed with the club about helping with legal fees for PLP federal injunction against California SB 670. Jim moved for WPA to donate $500.00 to PLP to help with the fees. Murray seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Next Outing will be a mini outing on 9/12/2009 weather permitting at the Declan B. We will meet at the rest area at 8 am and leave at 8:30 am to travel to the claim. 

Next Meeting will be held September 12, 2009 at 5:00 pm at the Grub Stake.

With no further business to be brought before the club, meeting adjourned by President Jacque.

50/50 Raffle was won by Jay. Drawing held for prizes.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathi, Secretary

Note added by Jim
Important--- This past weekend 8/8/09, I noticed a typo on the Mary D 2 map. The GPS coordinates for the South West Corner of Mary D 2 should read North 42 Degrees 27.312 Minutes West 108 degrees 35.991 Minutes instead of (North 42 Degrees 27.312 Minutes West 108 degrees 36.991 Minutes) as is on the maps that I have sent out. If this typo has caused you any problem please let me know so I may try to fix the problem. I have posted a new map on the web site so it may be downloaded or contact me and I can try to get a new copy to you some way.
Sorry for the inconvenience

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