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April 12, 2008

President, Scott Luers, called the April meeting of the Wyoming Prospectors Association was called to order at 1:20 p.m. at the Miners Grubstake in Atlantic City.

Introductions were made as there were many new faces present.

Secretary, Kimberlee Raymond, read the minutes from the March meeting.  As there were no corrections, motions were made and carried to accept the minutes as read.

Treasurer, Deb Palmer, read the treasurers report.  She reported bills made and deposits made.  Motions were made and carried to accept the report as read.

Claims Committee:  Nothing new, still covered in lots of snow!!!

National News:  Nothing new to report.

Correspondence:  None

Old business: Scott did some checking on advertising and we will discuss at the next board meeting.

Day in the Park- we are still waiting on final paperwork.  Volunteers will be welcome if even only for a little while. Set up from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.  Events from 8:00 a.m. til 3:00p.m.?

Day for work outing still being discussed.  Waiting on weather.

Nothing known as to another tour of the Clarissa Mine.

Club outing- still being decided for a location, will know more at a later date.  If all goes well, we  will again be on Rock Creek. The following is a list of current volunteers:

Dave Locker and Bill Willenbrecht will deliver outhouse which we found will only cost the club 2  yearly memberships! 
Jacquie Schmidt will head the food and she welcomes volunteers.
Raymond’s will get ice.
Bruce and Peggy Gress will get the sodas.
Carl Anderson will help with dirt.

We still need help with signs.


New Business: Nothing new

REMMINDER:  Get you ideas ready for nominees for officers next year.  We will be nominating soon. 

Next meeting, May 10th, 2008.  1:00 p.m. at the Miner's Grubstake.

Adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

50/50 raffle was won by  Theresa Logdon.

There were 25 items raffled off for the club raffle of which several were gold nuggets! 
Congrats to all who won!


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