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  • Wyoming Prospectors Association ~ P.O. Box 1269 ~ Riverton, WY 82501

    Minutes for meeting held on: Sept 11, 2021                          Location: Amanda 28
    Meeting called to Order at: 9:50AM         15 members present

    Present-President Jim Brines, Vice President Shawn Raymond, Secretary Joyce Raymond,

    Absent-Treasurer  Jacque Stoldt, Board Member Deb Palmer.

    Minutes: of Aug. 14 meeting were read. One correction noted “if the Association did not want to trade Amanda 28 for the Bridge Buster Carl Anderson would like to buy Amanda 28”. Shawn Raymond made a motion to accept the minutes as amended seconded by Chip Lansberrry and the motion passed.                          

    Correspondence: Letter from the bank advising that a CD has matured on 9-6-2021 and will renew on 9-7-2021 with a new maturity date of 10-06-2023.The subscription for the Miners Journal expires in Oct.  After a discussion Shawn Raymond made a motion to renew for 24 issues (2 yrs.). Seconded by Chip Lansberry motion passed.                                                                                                                                   

    Randy Hutchison asked if we had received the Green card from the BLM for the Small Miners Exemption . Les Armstrong reported Janiece Robinson had received it in the mail.                                             

    Treasurers Report: Joyce Raymond read the report. Les Armstrong made a motion to accept, seconded by Shawn Raymond motion passed                                                                                                                       

    Chip Lansberry reported that Carl Anderson is ready to give the Bridge Buster back to the Association.                              

    Discussion on the 2022 Annual  Outing and Meeting.  Shawn Raymond made a motion to have the 2022 Outing on June 24,25,26. Chip Lansberry seconded and the motion passed.                                                

    Les Armstrong thanked the Association for the gas and time reimbursement money for the 2021 Outing

    Randy Hutchison needs someone to step-up and do the administrators job of keeping the paper work for the claims current.                                                                                                                                        

    Shawn Raymond made a motion to have the Nov. 13th meeting at the Wind River Heritage Center with a Pot Luck Luncheon at 12:00 noon and the Meeting at 1:00 PM. Les Armstrong seconded, motion passed.          

    Jacque Stoldt is setting up zoom connections for the Nov. meeting. She will send out emails or text to everyone we have addresses for.                                                                                                                            

    Larry Ottman won 50-50                                                                                                                                   

    Adjourned at 10:20
    Joyce Raymond Secretary

    Next meeting will be Nov. 13, 2021

    Wind River Heritage Center
    Pot Luck luncheon at 12:00 noon
    Meeting at 1:00 P