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    Minutes for the meeting held on Nov. 12, 2022         Location was Wind River Heritage Center
    The meeting was called to order at 1:02 PM with 20 Members present.
    Officers Present was President Jim Brines, Secretary Joyce Raymond, Treasurer Jacque Stoldt.
    Secretary Joyce Raymond read the minutes for the Sept.10, 2022 meeting. There was one correction. The meeting was adjourned at 9:53AM not 9:53PM. Deb Palmer made a motion to accept the minutes as Amended seconded by Randy Hutchison and the motion passed.
    Correspondence was The Food Bank of Wyoming, The Salvation Army and the Mining Journal.
    The Treasurers Report was given by Jacque Stoldt. Deb Palmer made a motion to accept the report as read seconded by Les Armstrong and the motion passed.
    Jacque Stoldt gave a report on the Mining Journal.
    Mica Parrish is interested in and may be running for President at the meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Outing.
    After a discussion on the 2023 Annual Outing Randy Hutchison made a motion to set the date on June 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 2023 seconded by Les Armstrong and the motion passed. The location will be determined at a later date.
    After a discussion on establishing a Mining District Randy Hutchison volunteered to talk with some of the other miners around and report back at the next meeting. Keith Blair said he would get with Chip Lansberry to find more information on establishing a Mining District.
    Next meeting will be Jan. 14, 2023. The Location will be at the Wind River Heritage Center and Museum.
    A Pot Luck Lunch will be at 12:00 Noon. The Meeting will start at 1:00 PM
    The meeting was adjourned at 2:01 PM.

    Joyce Raymond Secretary