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  • Wyoming Prospectors Association ~ P.O. Box 1269 ~ Riverton, WY 82501

    Minutes for meeting held on June 26, 2021
    Location: Rock Creek (Annual Outing)







    President Jim Brines



    Treasurer Jacque Stoldt



     V. Pres. Kathy Irvin



    Board Member
    Janiece Robinson



    Secretary Joyce Raymond



    Meeting called to Order at: 6:21 p.m.

    Introduction of members with 28 members, 1 guest, and 4 children present.

    Jacque Stoldt read the minutes of the June 12, 2021 meeting.  Kim Raymond motioned to approve the minutes as read.  Mary Hutchison seconded.  All ayes; motion passed.

    Correspondence:  Kathy Irvin resigned from the Vice President position as of today, stating health concerns for her and Terry.  Joyce Raymond would like to resign from Secretary but she will stay on for one more year if no one is able to take the position.

    Treasurer’s Report:  Jacque read the treasurer’s report.  Kim Raymond motioned to accept it as read.  Paula Jones seconded.  All ayes; motion passed.

    Old Business:  None

    New Business:  We need younger members to step up and take officer positions.

    Election of Officers:  Randy made a statement before elections began.  The WPA has been going on for 21 years now.  Some of the people doing most of the work have been here since the beginning.  If the younger members can step up and take some responsibility it would be very helpful.  The older members are tired!
    President:  Randy nominated Jim Brines for president.  Kim Raymond seconded.  Jim accepted the position for 1 more year.  All ayes; motion passed.
    Vice President:  Shawn Raymond volunteered to step up and take the position.  Deb Palmer nominated him.  Mary Hutchison seconded.  All ayes; motion passed.  Thank you for stepping up Shawn!
    Secretary:  Shawn Raymond nominated Joyce Raymond.  Kathy Irvin seconded.  All ayes; motion passed.
    Treasurer:  Kim Raymond nominated Jacque Stoldt.  Deanna Seals seconded.  All ayes; motion passed.

    Discussion was started about whether to continue having meetings in the winter months.  They are a good social activity but are they necessary?  There is a good chance of bad weather and not many people usually show up.  It might be good to start using technology to create opportunities for members to attend virtually.  Kendall Berry will talk to some people who are very knowledgeable in this area.  Randy Hutchison moved to table this discussion until the next meeting to allow the board to refine ideas and make a proposal to the club.  Shawn Raymond seconded.  All ayes; motion passed.

    Michael Connor passed away a couple days ago.  A condolence card was passed around for members to sign.

    Kendal Berry recognized Mary Ann and John Taylor for stepping up to help with the set-up and running of the annual outing.

    Richard Smith has a brand new portable sluice box for sale for $75. Get in touch with him if you would like to buy it.

    Next Meeting:  The next meeting will be August 14, 2021 at the Mud Pie claim.  We will meet at the Atlantic City turnoff from the old highway where the blade is parked, across from the highway department shop.   We will meet there at 9:00 a.m.  There is no water on the claim so bring a drywasher if you have one and plenty of water to pan concentrates if you wish.  Also, bring a pick if you have one to get in cracks.  Bring water to drink, it will be hot!

    Kim Raymond motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m.  Mary Hutchison seconded.  All ayes; motion passed.

    Ella Stoldt won $65 in the 50/50 raffle.


    Jacque Stoldt, Treasurer