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    Wyoming Prospectors Association ~ P.O. Box 1269 ~ Riverton, WY 82501



    Club Meeting held @: a claim                                                                                                

    Date & Time:  6/9/18 12:51







    President: Jim Brines



    Treasurer: Penni Harden



    V. President: Jacque Schmidt



     Board Member: Deb Palmer



    Secretary: Paula Koon







    1. Introductions were made we had 17 in attendance
    2. Paula Koon read last club meetings minutes. Deb Palmer made motion to accept minutes with the corrections of: The changes in the by—laws will be discussed and approved by club at next available meeting. Also, to correct that we have 120 members plus families. Joyce Raymond seconded, vote taken, motion passed.
    3. Penni Harden gave financial report, Jacque Schmidt made motion to accept, Deb Palmer seconded, vote taken, motion passed
    4. Paula Koon correspondence received: Mining Journal, and an email from Pam Hockett with a picture attached of miners in South Pass to put in the clubs display at the Heritage Museum in Riverton.


    Old Business: We went through the four (4) by-law changes one (1) at a time and voted on each one, all changes were approved by the club. Copies of the changes will be made available.

    1. Nominations: Nominees may accept in person or by written consent. Jacque Schmidt made motion to accept changes, Randy Hutchison seconded, vote taken, motion passed.
    2. Non-residents: The sponsor’s name will be on the non-residents membership card. Jacque Schmidt made motion to accept changes, Joyce Raymond seconded, vote taken motion passed
    3. Authorization of treasurer’s limit: It was raised from $200.00 to $300.00. Les Armstrong made motion to accept changes, Deb Palmer seconded, vote taken, motion passed.
    4. Treasurers audit: The Auditors will be elected at a regular meeting each year, and will be completed by the annual meeting. Joyce Raymond made motion to accept changes, Les Armstrong seconded, vote taken, motion passed.



    New Business: Randy Hutchison made an offer to the club to purchase the Mary D 1, for $1000.00. This will add 140ac to the club, after a discussion, Joyce Raymond made the motion to buy the Mary D 1, Jimmy Harden seconded, vote taken, motion passed.

    Would like to add a BIG THANKSto the 17 people who moved dirt for the outing, who with the youngest being 50, we appreciate all you did.



    Next Month’s Meeting: June 23, 2018 @ the Bridge Buster for our annual outing.  The evening meal will be a pot luck at 5:00, please bring a covered dish, (the club is providing the meat). The meeting to follow, with NOMINATIONS, and ELECTIONS, raffles etc…


    Meeting Adjourned:  @ 2:12 with Jacque Schmidt making the motion to close, Randy Hutchison second, meeting adjourned.



    Raffle: Congrats to Deb Palmer



    See you at the annual

    Submitted by

    Paula Koon- secretary